", $error); } } //End POST 1// ////////////////////////////// if(isset($_POST['Submit2'])){ ////////////// IMAGES /////////////////////// if(!empty($_FILES[images2][name][0])) { while(list($key2,$value2) = each($_FILES[images2][name])) { if(!empty($value2)) { $NewName2 = time()."_".CleanFileName($value2); $ext = strtolower(substr($NewName2, strrpos($NewName2, '.') + 1)); if ($ext == "jpg" || $ext == "gif" || $ext == "png") { copy($_FILES[images2][tmp_name][$key2], $upload_dir.$NewName2); $MyImages2[] = $NewName2; }else { $error2[] = "File $value is not in correct format"; } } }//wend $ImageStr2 = implode("|", $MyImages2); } if(count($error2) < 1){ if(isset($_POST['title2'])) { foreach($_POST['title2'] as $t2) $titleArr2[] = htmlspecialchars("$t2", ENT_QUOTES); } $title2 = implode($titleArr2 ,"|"); echo $query = sprintf("INSERT INTO photog SET fname = '%s', email = '%s', phone = '%s', images = '%s', title = '%s', exname = '%s', exbefore = '%s', exdesc = '%s',numImage = '%s',imgsize = '%s', regDate = '%s', opt = '%s' " , mysql_real_escape_string($_POST[fname2]), mysql_real_escape_string($_POST[email2]), mysql_real_escape_string($_POST[phone]),$ImageStr2, $title2, mysql_real_escape_string($_POST[exname]), mysql_real_escape_string($_POST[exbefore]), mysql_real_escape_string($_POST[exdesc]), mysql_real_escape_string($_POST[numImage]), mysql_real_escape_string($_POST[imgsize]), $today, 'Opt2'); if(mysql_query($query)) { $uid = mysql_insert_id(); $_SESSION['id'] = $uid; $disMSG2 = true; sent_mail($_POST[email2]); } else {$disMSG2 = false;} }else {$disMSG2 = false; $errorMSG2 = implode("
", $error2); } } //End POST 1// ?>


This festival is designed to be a multi-tiered collaborative initiative. Our mission is to advance dynamic programming designed to engage and stimulate the photography community of Los Angeles. There are a number of opportunities listed below. Please feel free to explore the possibilities detailed below. Submissions will close on February 20, 2015 at midnight Pacific Standard Time.

1. Submit a thematic body of work for exhibition consideration in one of our "host spaces." This submission process DOES NOT guarantee that your work will be selected to exhibit during Month of Photo Los Angeles. Eligible submissions will adhere to the following guidelines:
A.     Artwork submitted must be framed and ready to exhibit. 
B.     Artwork submitted can belong to one photographer or a group of photographers.

2. Submit a thematic body of work for projection consideration. This submission process DOES NOT guarantee that your work will be selected for projection during Month of Photo Los Angeles. Eligible submissions will adhere to the following guidelines:
A.     Artwork must have a consistent or relevant theme throughout the imagery, such as Portraits, Nightscapes, Landscapes, Nudes, Photojournalism, Music, Sports, Communities, etc.,
B.     There must be a minimum of 20 images for consideration.

3.     Participate in the Analogue Portrait Project.  More details on this coming soon.

Thank you for your submission and for your interest in being a part of MOPLA. You will be notified on or around February 17th if your work has been selected for inclusion in our programming. Thanks again.
Error with your submitted data:

I am a  
Required: Please enter Full Name , Only Alphabets Allowed
Name of Proposed Exhibition
Contact Email
Required: Please enter Email Address
Contact Telephone
Description of Exhibition
Has this work been shown before, if so where:
Number of images in exhibition:
What size are the framed images:

Please prepare your portfolio according to the specs below

  • Select the number of files you would like to upload
  • Naming your digital file: Firstname, Underscore, Lastname, Number. for example: John_Smith_1.jpg, John_Smith_2.jpg up to the corresponding number of images you are submitting.
  • 72 DPI, anything larger will not upload properly for viewing
  • 800 pixels on the longest side
  • JPG only, NO TIF, GIF, PNG, PDF files will be accepted
  • Also, be sure that your extension is .jpg and not .jpeg as this could corrupt your file. If there is no extension at all, your image will appear black.
  • RGB, Grayscale, Black and White accepted, no CMYK
  • Be sure your file names DO NOT have any symbols such as apostrophes, dashes, slashes, percentage signs, dollars signs, asterisks etc. Underscores are the only acceptable symbol.
Select number of files to upload
Upload Images
By clicking here, I authorize that I am the owner of these images, or have permission to upload these images by the owner.
Please select it.

Depending on the size of your files, uploading may take up to 5 minutes. If your submission has successfully uploaded, you will advance to a confirmation page and your portfolio is in good hands. If your submission was not accepted, and you have been brought back to the submission form, your images may not comply with one or more of the specs required that is listed above.

If you continue to experience difficulties with uploading after abiding by all the specs above, please email ONE image from the body of work to info@mopla.org so we can identify the dilemma and incompatibility of the file to move forward with your submission. Thank you for your patience during our submission process.


2.Submit a thematic body of work for projection consideration. This submission process DOES NOT guarantee that your work will be selected for projection during MOPLA. Eligible submissions will adhere to the following guidelines:

A. Artwork must have a consistent or relevant theme throughout the imagery, such as Portraits, Nightscapes, Landscapes, Nudes, Photojournalism, Music, Sports, Communities, etc.
B. There must be a minimum of 20 images for consideration.

Thank you for your submission and for your interest in being a part of MOPLA. You will be notified on or around February 17th if your work has been selected for inclusion in our programming. Thanks again.
Error with your submitted data:

Required: Please enter Full Name , Only Alphabets Allowed
Contact Email
Required: Please enter Email Address
Contact Telephone
General Description of the work submitted:

Please prepare your portfolio according to the specs below

  • Select the number of files you would like to upload
  • Naming your digital file: Firstname, Underscore, Lastname, Number. for example: John_Smith_1.jpg, John_Smith_2.jpg up the corresponding number of images you are submitting.
  • 72 DPI, anything larger will not upload properly for viewing
  • 800 pixels on the longest side
  • JPG only, NO TIF, GIF, PNG, PDF files will be accepted
  • Also, be sure that your extension is .jpg and not .jpeg as this could corrupt your file. If there is no extension at all, your image will appear black.
  • RGB, Grayscale, Black and White accepted, no CMYK
  • Be sure your file names DO NOT have any symbols such as apostrophes, dashes, slashes, percentage signs, dollars signs, asterisks etc. Underscores are the only acceptable symbol.
Select number of files to upload
Upload Images
By clicking here, I authorize that I am the owner of these images, of have permission to upload these images by the owner.
Please select it.

Depending on the size of your files, uploading may take up to 5 minutes. If your submission has successfully uploaded, you will advance to a confirmation page and your portfolio is in good hands. If your submission was not accepted, and you have been brought back to the submission form, your images may not comply with one or more of the specs required that is listed above.

If you continue to experience difficulties with uploading after abiding by all the specs above, please email ONE image from the body of work to info@mopla.org so we can identify the dilemma and incompatibility of the file to move forward with your submission. Thank you for your patience during our submission process.

3. Advertise your work, your studio, or any message in the MOPLA 2015 catalogue. For more information, click here.

4. Participate in the Analog Portrait Project. For more information, click here.